速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Christmas with Jul3ia

Christmas with Jul3ia



檔案大小:105.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。 Apple TV.


Christmas with Jul3ia(圖1)-速報App

Looking to turn your iPhone or iPad into an iconic, hand-drawn Christmas scene, complete with soothing winter sound effects? How about adding some definitive, non-cheesy Christmas music with lots of good harmonies that you can listen to year after year without wanting to yack? Well, crack open this can o' choir and get the hot cocoa ready, because Emmy Award-winning animator and choir goddess Jul3ia Richard has got this covered.

*** app features include ***

・ three original animated scenes with beautiful ambient sound effects to choose from

・ a library of traditional carols, in epic five-part harmony

Christmas with Jul3ia(圖2)-速報App

・ separate mute buttons for music and sound effects

・ easy swipe controls for skipping or rewinding tracks

・ built-in Christmas countdown

・ night mode, with extra large date and time stamp

Christmas with Jul3ia(圖3)-速報App

・ lyrics, in case you feel like singing along!

Can't wait for Christmas? Neither can we! That's why we included a built-in Christmas countdown, so you'll never have to guess how much longer it will be before Santa comes.

Hate Christmas carols, but still want a festive Yule log blazing while you cook that turkey? No worries. Separate controls allow you to mute the music and sound effects independently, so you can keep that fire burning as long as you want without any distractions. Just tap the screen to access the 'Settings' menu.

Love Christmas carols, and can't get enough? If you're really in the wassailing spirit, you can download free sheet music of Jul3ia's arrangements at www.islandpixelworks.com/Sheet-Music

Christmas with Jul3ia(圖4)-速報App

Love Jul3ia's voice, and want to hear more? Feel free to check her out on Apple Music and iTunes! Or just search the word Jul3ia... she's pretty easy to find.

Christmas with Jul3ia(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad, Apple TV